Small Color
Bob Reynolds, “Genesee Theater”, AW, Small Color Print of the Month
Lance Lagoni, “The Quarry at Midnight”, AW
Paula Matzek, “The Dome, Flagler College”, AW
Bill Heider, “Up Up and Away”, AW
Bob Reynolds, “Arches & Sunbeam”, HM
Lance Lagoni, “Old Box Company”, HM
Bill Heider, “Tiger”, HM
Judy King, “I Wonder What They See”, HM
Rich Hassman, “Abandoned Mining Town”, HM
Large Color
Bob Reynolds, “German Countryside”, AW, Print of the Month
Lance Lagoni, “The Lass in Green”, AW
Mike Garber, “In for Repairs”, AW
Jan Williams, “Stages”, AW
Jan Williams, “Orchids”, AW
Rich Milburn, “Vanda Orchids at the Garden”, HM
Rich Hassman, “Sedona Sunset”, HM
Lance Lagoni, “Gar General”, HM
Small Monochrome
Bob Reynolds, “Ready for Flight”, AW, Small Mono Print of the Month
Lance Lagoni, “Midnight Basketball”, AW
Patrick Grady, “Tenya Lake”, AW
Patrick Grady, “Pitcher Plant”, HM
Carol Arnolde, “Gifford Barn”, HM
Jeff Berman, “Ted”, HM
Large Monochrome
Bill Heider, “Oak Tree”, AW, Large Monochrome Print of the Month
Lance Lagoni, “The Shattered Window”, AW
Patrick Grady, “Sea Stacks”, AW
Patrick Grady, “Chicago Hilton”, HM
Tom Wilson, “Field of Cactus”, HM