ACC MEETING ~ OCT. 19, 2022

OCTOBER 19, 2022 @ 7:30 pm

“Gadget” Night

Christian Church of Arlington Heights, 333 W Thomas St, Arlington Heights, IL 60004, USA

Gadget Demonstration
Please share your creative secrets! Have you used a special gadget to enhance your techniques and achieve an unusual effect in your images? Or do you have a go-to item that makes your life easier in the field to take that perfect picture?

Please bring it to the club and share with others how you have used it with some examples of pictures you have taken. This could be a glass prism set, uncommon filter, or a special tool for lighting that has significantly contributed to your development as a photographer. Let’s learn from each other, enhance our photos, and improve our techniques.

We ask each member to bring up to three items and be ready to demonstrate their use.

See you all on Wednesday.  New members always welcome.


OCTOBER 2022 Competition – Print Winners

Bob Reynolds, “At the Corkscrew Swamp” AW, Large Color Print of the Month
Paula Matzek, “Miltenberg Respite” AW, Large Monochrome Print of the Month
Larry Brady, “Two Birch Trees” HM
Fred Gold, “Masked Visitor” HM
Mike Garber, “Red Lighthouse” AW
Paula Matzek, “Cologne Cathedral” HM
Gerardo Velasquez, “Rainy Day” AW
Larry Brady, “Impossible Balance” AW
Paula Matzek, “Purple and Gold” HM
Bob Reynolds, “Horseshoe Falls” HM
Steven Seburn, “Door County Farm” HM
Judy King, “A Long Hallway – Where Will He End Up” AW
Judy King, “Winging It In Between the Clouds” HM
Steven Seburn, “The Arch” HM
Steven Seburn, “Great Blue Heron” HM

Small Monochrome
Larry Arends “Man With Beads” AW, Small Monochrome Print of the Month
Larry Brady, “Impossible Balance” AW
Fred Gold, “Masked Visitor” HM
Bob Reynolds, “Horseshoe Falls” HM
Large Monochrome
Paula Matzek, “Miltenberg Respite” AW, Large Monochrome Print of the Month
Judy King, “A Long Hallway-Where Will He End Up” AW
Paula Matzek, “Cologne Cathedral” HM
Steven Seburn, “The Arch” HM
Small Color
Sandra Tipton, “Great Blue Heron in the Bog” AW, Small Color Print of the Month
Mike Garber, “Red Lighthouse” AW
Gerardo Velasquez, “Rainy Day” AW
Paula Matzek, “Purple and Gold” HM
Steven Seburn, “Great Blue Heron” HM
Larry Brady, “Two Birch Trees” HM

Large Color
Bob Reynolds, “At the Corkscrew Swamp” AW, Large Color Print of the Month
Larry Arends, “Jordon Pond” AW
Steven Seburn, “Door County Farm” HM
Judy King, “Winging It In Between The Clouds” HM
Mike Garber, “In for Repairs” HM